Vacuum Pump Busch RA 0305 D


Technical data : 

Product number
RA 0305 D
Year of production
Power 7,5 kW
Capacity300 m3/h
MAX vacum0,6mbar
Noise level74 dB
Rotary speed1500 obr/min
Weight:250 kg
Diameters [height x length x width]1011 x 581 x 410 mm

The pump reaches a vacuum of 0.6 mbar after confirming the measurement on the sensor in the video attached below

Pump in perfect condition

New oil

New oil filter

New exhaust separators

Oil vacuum pump, squeegee – a device used in technology to remove gases (create a negative pressure) in a closed space. Pumps are divided according to their mode of operation into: volumetric, jet, ion-sorption, ion-magnetic, molecular, condensation, adsorption and ion.

The most important parameters of vacuum pumps are:

final pressure (the lowest pressure that can be obtained with such a pump),
pumping speed and the dependence of this speed on pressure,
efficiency (usually measured in m3 of gas pumped out per unit of time


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